Saturday, April 2, 2011

sprouting seedlings

i got the first seeds started the last week of february: peppers (hot and sweet), lettuce, petunias, and marigolds.  i usually make my own seed starting mix - 1 part perlite, 1 part vermiculite, 1 part spaghnum moss.  i then fill the flats with the seed starting mix that has been soaked heavily with water.  then carefully, i place the seeds into the flats according to the depth recommended on the seed package.  that's it.  i keep the flats under fluorescent lights so as the cotyledon emerge, they are ready to start photosynthesizing.  within a few days the lettuce was already sprouting.  the peppers took longer, but within 10 days they all had begun to grow. 

     peppers beginning to sprout

   the lettuce gets going really quickly

   my workbench in the basement


  1. It's amazing what life comes from the "matchstick-like" marigold seeds. Growing-up we used the dried flowers from the year before to get seeds. We stored them in shoe boxes. I'm curious if this would be tough to do... Love the pictures!

  2. I love seeing your workbench and the process... thanks for sharing and I can't wait for more.
