Wednesday, January 11, 2012

charting the course for 2012

well here we are again at the beginning at a new year.  the only new year's resolution i ever make is to choose three books that in spite of whatever else i read during the year, i will commit to reading.  this year's choices are 'pale fire' by nabokov, 'the master and margarita' by bulgakov, and 'the windup bird chronicles' by murakami.  not quite sure why i chose 2 russian authors and a japanese one together in the same year.  

looking out in the garden these days it's hard to believe that only a few months ago it looked like a jungle.  my raised beds are barren except for a small patch of parsley that is thriving. i did manage to get my poinsetta from last year to turn red this winter (a process that involved putting it in a dark closet every  night whenever i could remember for 6 weeks. 

lately the only seeds i've been paying attention to is the birdfood that i put in the feeder.  but now that we are into january, it is time to decide what i want to plant for my garden this year.  the seed catalogs have been filling up my mailbox.  you don't realize how many varieties of vegetables are out there until you start flipping through the catalogs.  it's easy to get over ambitious when looking at all the choices.  plus when most seed packs are only about $1.25 a packet, it's easy to end up buying more than you could possibly plant.  the next few weeks i'll be charting out the course for my garden and placing my order.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see your birds are thriving. Now you'll have to figure out how to cover the tomatoes so they don't peck them all to pieces.
